Master catching, your habits, and your mindset

The Catching Made Simple Mastery program helps catchers become 'masters' of their position, their mental game, and their habits.

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A proven coaching process for incredible results. 

Install the daily disciplines you need to be successful.

Personalized feedback and mindset coaching.

Trying to get better at catching is difficult...

If you don't have a plan.

There's tons of catching content available

But you don't have time to sift through it all 

And you don't have a proven process to follow

And that leads to sleepless nights and feeling constantly overwhelmed.

I don’t want that for you.

Catching Made Simple has helped hundreds of catchers form and execute a plan to grow their catching game.

The Catching Made Simple Mastery program will give you a personalized and proven process to build your catcher's fundamentals from the ground up.

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If you have these problems, the CMS Mastery Program can help:

❌ Unathletic stances

❌ Uncomfortable behind the plate

❌ Glove 'bounces' every catch

❌ Constantly late & weak receiving

❌ Poor mindset

❌ Lots of passed balls

❌ Slow getting down to block 

❌ Inefficient footwork when throwing

❌ Long and loopy arm stroke

❌ No established habits or review process

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Hear from one of the parents in my program:


Your 3-step process to rock-solid fundamentals:

1. Book a call

After covering your goals and current efforts, we'll align you with a custom program to grow your particular skillset as a catcher.

2. Get trained and coached

I will guide you through daily activities and give you personalized feedback so you can work on the right things at the right time.

3. See results

Within weeks, you'll be moving more athletically, working consistently every day, and with more confidence than ever. 

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3 things you can expect:

1. Weekly 60 min individual call

2. You will send 2 things to me every day:
     a) Short video of you doing the drill
     b) Picture of your journal

3. Daily video feedback on your submitted videos


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The magic equation to a transformed catcher

"If I could follow you around for 24 hours, I could tell you whether you'd be successful or not."

These words from John Maxwell's book Make Today Count stuck in my head as a young man.

Maxwell goes on to say:

Good Decisions - Daily Discipline = A Plan without a Payoff
Daily Discipline - Good Decisions = Regimentation without Reward
Good Decisions + Daily Discipline = A Masterpiece of Potential

And for this Mastery program specifically, the magic happens like this:

Quality Instruction + Daily Discipline = A Transformed Catcher


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Why a daily practice design?

This was designed to bolt onto busy lives with minimal time commitment and maximal impact.

So the time commitment is only 10 intentional minutes every day + a 1 hour video call once a week.

The reason for only 10 minutes every day?

Consistency is more important than intensity to long term growth. 

But most catchers don't have a daily practice and reflection habit.

This means they never see any real progress.

Imagine where your catcher would be after 2 months of:

  • Seeing themselves on video consistently
  • Intentional daily work
  • Journal reflections
  • Quality feedback

In just a few weeks of this Mastery program, you'll see a crazy transformation in your catching fundamentals... and be hungry for more :)

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How does the communication work?

1. Watch and record your video

Film yourself doing the drill for that day, then post that video and a picture of your journal in the app. 

2. Get Personalized Feedback

I'll personally give you feedback on your videos each day. This, combined with the journaling, will rapidly accelerate your learning curve.

3. See Your Game Grow

When you work on the right things every day, reflect on them, and get quality feedback, your game skyrockets!

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Still have more questions? These should help:

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Frequently Asked Questions

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Still don't believe this will be the best investment you can make in your son?

Book a call with me and let's talk it over.

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