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Image of Anj Bourgeois, Founder of Catching Made Simple and a softball catcher throwing from one knee

Why Softball Catchers Excel at Throwing from One Knee

softball throwing Aug 29, 2023

Softball catchers have developed some remarkable skills on the field, especially when compared to their baseball counterparts. A notable strength? Throwing from one knee. It might surprise some, but the reason behind this expertise is simple: dedicated practice.

I'm Anj Bourgeois, aka Coach Bougie, the face behind Catching Made Simple, and today, I'll break down the techniques that baseball players need to practice to perfect throwing from a single knee.

The Two-Step Process to Throw from One Knee

Softball catchers often exhibit two core techniques when throwing from one knee. Master these, and you're well on your way to elevating your game:

  1. Hover and Slide: The first thing you'll notice is how they keep one knee slightly elevated, or hovering. With their foot flat on the ground, they leverage it to push off and slide on their knee. This movement not only gives them stability but also the momentum they need for a powerful throw.
  2. Mastering the Hip Movement: The secret sauce? It's all in the hips. When beginning their throw, their hips are oriented towards the first base side. By the time they finish, their hips have swiveled to face the third base side (unless, of course, the catcher is a lefty). This rotation is essential as it allows for a stronger, more accurate throw.
@catchingmadesimple Softball Catchers vs. Baseball Catchers 🀨 You know what softball catchers do better❓ Throw from one knee 🦡 Here’s why βž‘οΈπŸ‘ŠπŸΌ #baseball #catching #softball #softballcatcher #catchingdrills ♬ Rich Flex - Instrumental - Fruity Covers

Next Steps to Perfecting Your Throw

Are you eager to hone your skills and throw like a pro? Start by integrating these techniques into your routine. By consistently practicing the hover and slide move and mastering the hip rotation, you'll be 80% of the way there.

But don't stop there. At Catching Made Simple, we offer various resources tailored to both baseball and softball catchers:

And for those who want tailored insights, consider booking a call with me. Together, let's transform your catching game.

In the world of catching, it's the nuances and dedication to practice that set the best apart. Here's to elevating our skills, one throw at a time!

Want to drop your pop?

A bad pop time will:
-Have teams run on you
-Make you sit on the bench
-Get you crossed off coach's list

Grab this free 15-minute video to understand the three phases of a throwdown and learn how to drop your pop.

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